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Welcome to our website

According to the motto „building craft at its best“ we have established as one of the leading building contractors in the course of our long company history. The welfare of our customers, staff and of the environment is always the centre of our attention.

On the following pages you can get an impression of our wide range of services. From the planning up to handing over the key – we will be a competent partner for any kind of demanding building project.

Put your trust in us.

About us

The innovative, family-owned building company dechant hoch- und ingenieurbau gmbh looks back on roundabout 140 years of experience in the construction industry.

Our team of well-trained professionals has always stood for the highest quality of industrial constructions – both for small building projects as well as large-scale projects of more than 250 million euros.

Company Profile
About us

The dechant hoch- und ingenieurbau gmbh has established itself as one of the leading experts in the field of exposed concrete. For its outstanding performance in this sector our company has already been honoured with many awards, for example the “Bayerische Handwerkspreis”or the „Große Preis des Mittelstands“. Our company is significantly involved in the building of prestigious objects like the Deutsche Bundestag , the Galileo Control Centre or the Meisterhäuser in Dessau.